Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Once upon a time ....

Once upon a time there was a world where each tale started with the words "Once upon a time ... " and ended with " ... and they lived happily ever after". Stories may seem to be good fun as it has to do with the fact that the world always tumbles back into the right place at the end. The "once upon a times" have people who know just what to say and when to say it. The girl always get the guy and vice versa, the bad guy gets whats coming to him and there are the crowds that cheer the hero (and heroine) through it all. And then a couple years later you find out that they even made a movie on it with a couple super amazing lines that you just want to use somewhere in conversation so that you sound, like the character you think you are ( :D ).

Once upon a time we learnt that these stories were just stories. The world just isn't fair. Some times the good guys cant win no matter what. Once upon a time was actually never upon a time. Something that adults use to teach kids morals. Once upon a time men gave up the principles that worked only in once upon a times. Once upon a time we gave up our once upon a times to get our dogma just cause we needed principles.

Once upon a time the difference between the good guy and the notorious villain was just the aim, the motive, the underlying principle.

We get a chance each day, a chance to choose. Each and every day you get to be a hero, a villain, or just another face in the background. I don't know what your choice is gonna be but I'd be more than happy to here the author read my story srating with a ....

"Once upon a time ........."

Those little post-it notes :)

I donno bout you guys but i love post-it notes for some wierd reason. Especially if it is just a small little note for me :) . The notes are at times simple little reminders we put up for ourselves, but more often than not, they can not surprise us as much as one a friend or a loved one would put up for us.

The message no matter what it reads, tells you that someone cared enough to say hi, in other words, someone just cared enough.

Even as I'm typing this out, its raining outside. And the notes are no longer as we perceive them to be. I gonna go out now and i hope to see yet another post-it God left, and still leaves us.

And yet some read between the unwritten lines and conjure what will be read. Sometimes its in faith the unseen remains seen.


Copied off a post it note :) ,
well not really but wouldnt it be cool if it were copied of a post-it note ???


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello :)

Hey All,

i know i created this blog some tome back but i still havent put any posts up

Hope to change that soon

Happy reading
Derick :)